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 The Olympians

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PostSubject: The Olympians   The Olympians EmptyWed 8 Feb - 19:57

The Olympians Sansre36
The Olympian

The big Olympian gods are the most famous ones. They chair over the council of Olympus and have numerous advantages. It is them who have bungalows in the colony. They are the elite and they are especially the main branch of the divine family.

Zeus Robert Downey JR
Poseidon Kevin McKidd
Hades Ralph Fiennes
Hephaestus Jonnhy Depp
Ares Hugh Jackman
Hermes Alex Pettyfer
Apollo Chace Crawford
Dionysus Jude Law
Hera Angelina Jolie
Demeter Keira Knightley
Aphrodite Sienna Miller
Athena Diane Kruger
Artemis Georgie Henley

Avatar by Grisou ©

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The Olympians Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Olympians   The Olympians EmptySat 18 Feb - 17:13

« I swear on the Styx that we shall respect your reasonable request. »
featuring Robert Downey JR●●God
The Olympians 016Huh
» Millenniums
» King of gods and of the sky
» doesn't have many children because of an old oath
» Married to Hera - Has numerous mistresses

The Olympians Avaro310
Zeus is the last child of Cronos and Rhea. His elder brothers and sisters, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Hestia and Demeter, were born before him but were swallowed by Cronos. When he was born, Rhéa hid Zeus and replaced him by an enormous stone which she gave to her husband. This one swallowed it without realizing that it was not his son. Zeus grew and became a young man. To save his brothers and sisters, he prepared a mixture which he gave to the Lord of Titans. This one regurgitated the contents of the stomach, the sibship of the god including. Then the Big Three cut in small piece the Lord of Titans with his own forgery and they threw at the bottom of Tartarus. They imprisoned in different places of the planet the last Titans. Only one was to save at request of Poseidon: the Titan Ocean. Later, he married his older sister Hera with whom he had children such as Ares.

Later, Zeus got acquainted with Oceanide who was the Goddess of the reason and the caution. Ouranos warned him by saying to him that a son arisen from her would discharge him of his throne. When he learnt that Oceanide was pregnant, Zeus began to swallow her and the child. Later, he had words of unbearable head and asked to Hephaestus to open him the head. This is the way Athena was born, goddess of Wisdom and Battle Strategy. Athena is not the first one of his children. He indeed had numerous adventures of which the fruit the most known are Hermes, Dionysus, Artemis and Apollo, Heracles, Perseus and so many others...

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Annabeth P. Chase
Annabeth P. Chase

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PostSubject: Re: The Olympians   The Olympians EmptyMon 20 Feb - 12:41

« People do many things in name of the gods. »
featuring Kevin McKidd●●God
The Olympians Kevin_mckidd
» Millenniums
» God of seas and oceans, and earthquakes
» Doesn't have many children because of an old oath
» Married to Amphitrite - Has many mistresses

The Olympians Ulmo110
Son of Cronos and Rhea of who he is the fifth child, Poseidon is the god of seas, oceans and earthquakes. He was the last one of the gods swallowed by Cronos and the first one to be spat out. After the Titanomachie, he obtains the command of seas and oceans. It is him who locked the Titans into Tartarus. Later, he quarreled the city of Athens with Athena. He created a source of salt water while Athena created the olive tree. The gods and the human beings, finding the more useful present was from Athena, it became Athens. Since then, the god of seas and the goddess of wisdom do not really get on, even if they teamed up to create the tank, Poseidon had to create the horse and Athena had to invent the wheel. Nevertheless, to take revenge, Poseidon flooded the Attica. For his punishment, Zeus put him to the service of Laomedon, with the god of the arts. They built immense bulwarks. The king of Troy refused to give them their payment so Poseidon decided to send one of his marine monsters on the city. Unfortunately, this one is killed by Heracles. During the Trojan War, he was against the Trojans but threw afterward a curse on the best warrior of his camps, Ulysse. He ordered that Ulysses could never, or after a large number of very hard events, return at his home. He also threw a fate(spell) to the woman of king Minos, when he has refused to sacrifice a bull for him. The woman fell in love with the bull and had a child: Minautore. He looked for a woman and began then to court Themis, but he stopped when this one announced that a child of her would more be powerful than his father. He then began to court Amphitrite who, after many and many courtisaneries, agreed to be his wife. He deceived her many times when he had children with these mistresses. After the Second World War, he swore on the Styx to have no more children, like Zeus and Hades made. He did not however hold his words because Percy Jackson was born. He is very proud of his son, even if he cannot see him, what makes him suffer.

Last edited by Annabeth P. Chase on Thu 6 Jun - 18:07; edited 3 times in total
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Annabeth P. Chase
Annabeth P. Chase

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The Olympians Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Olympians   The Olympians EmptyMon 20 Feb - 12:46

« I am not an Olympian. My family made me understand it well. »
featuring Ralph Fiennes●●God
The Olympians 3837
» Millenniums
» Hell master; God of death and wealth
» Doesn't have many children because of an old oath
» Married to Persephone

The Olympians 627307Ralph_1
Hades is the oldest of the sons of Cronos and Rhea, although it is their fourth child. He is swallowed by his father too then spat out when Zeus came to free them. During the Titanomachie, Hades obtains its helmet of invisibility. Of invisibility because we do not see the death coming. Having overcome the Titans, Zeus took the sky and Poseidon, the seas. Hell is the only place available for Hades. He became then the god of the deads. He has no seat to Olympus. The only moment where he can go there is during the summer solstice.

He has kidnapped Persephone and made her eat six pips of a grenade to make her stay in Hell. Persephone thus stays in Hell six months and goes out with her mother six other months. In a way, we can say that it was Hades who invented the seasons.

At the beginning, Persephone was dissatisfied with her fate but she eventually fell in love with the god of the deads. The children of Hades often generated big conflicts. For example, during the Second World War, some of his sons were on the losing side (The Nazis). After that, he had to, as his two brothers, take the oath to have no more children. By having two very young kids, he asked Alecto, one of the three furies, to hide his children, Bianca and Nico Di Angelo, in the Lotus Hotel, among whom they will go out only in a recent date. Hades is often seen as a cruel god and without scruples (what is moreover true) but he is a not understood god. We shall also notice that he is the only one to have held the oath of the second world war because his two brothers had children after this one while the god of the deads kept his promise.

Last edited by Annabeth P. Chase on Thu 6 Jun - 17:39; edited 3 times in total
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Annabeth P. Chase
Annabeth P. Chase

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PostSubject: Re: The Olympians   The Olympians EmptyMon 20 Feb - 12:52

« And when you break someone, you cannot repair it. »
featuring Johnny Depp●●God
The Olympians 738888_cast-member-johnny-depp-arrives-for-the-premiere-of-the-tourist-in-new-york

» Millenniums
» God of the fire, the forge and craftsmen; Smith of the gods
» Lame since he fell from Olympus
» Married to Aphrodite

The Olympians 294727johnnydepp111
Hephaestus is the son of Hera. This one, jealous of the many times Zeus deceived her, decided to prove him that she did not need him to give birth and so was born Hephaestus. At his birth, Hera found that his ugliness is so horrible she threw him down from Olympus. He(it) fell in the sea, where he was raised by Thetis and Eurynome. To take revenge, he has made a golden throne which imprisoned whoever sat down there before sending it to Olympus in present to his mother. Hera, taken in the trap, requested Ares to go look for Hephaestus but in vain. It was Dionysus who managed to make him bend. Once Hera freed, Zeus suggested granting him a wish and Hephaestus asked for the hand of Athena. This one expressed the wish to remain virgin and Hephaestus thus asked for Aphrodite's hand.

Last edited by Annabeth P. Chase on Thu 6 Jun - 18:21; edited 2 times in total
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Annabeth P. Chase
Annabeth P. Chase

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PostSubject: Re: The Olympians   The Olympians EmptyMon 20 Feb - 13:00

« It is me who will announce the opening of the fight when I will be ready. »
featuring Hugh Jackman●●God
The Olympians 755692-scarlett-johansson-et-hugh-jackman-dans-100x100-1
» Millenniums
» God of the war, the brutality, the slaughter and the destruction
»Is capable of hurting in his family just for a war
» Lover of Aphrodite

The Olympians 2vl7hhj
Ares is one of gods whom we do not often cross in the myths. He is the only son of Zeus and Hera. He is the only one of three children of the couple to be a member of the circle of the twelve gods. Ares is a being who just fights for the pleasure to fight and to see the others killing each other. For example, during the Trojan War, he had markedhis support, without any particular reason, to the Trojans, although he has also helped the Greeks. He is the only god who physically takes part in the fight. He is strong in fight but his rashness does not still make him a winner. He always loses in front of Athena. He was twice overcome by Heracles. Ares has an affair with Aphrodite, who is married to Hephaestus.

Last edited by Annabeth P. Chase on Thu 6 Jun - 21:25; edited 2 times in total
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Annabeth P. Chase
Annabeth P. Chase

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The Olympians Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Olympians   The Olympians EmptyMon 20 Feb - 13:11

« Everyone doesn't care about what I want to say. »
featuring Alex Pettyfer●●God
The Olympians Icon_a10
» Millenniums
» Messenger of the gods, inventor, god of roads and crossroads, of travellers and thieves, of chance, guide of heroes and driver of souls.
» Single

The Olympians Alexpettyfer2
Hermes is the son of Zeus and Maïa. A few moments after his birth, he jumps out of his cradle and went on a journey, in search of the herd of Apollo. Along the way, he made the lyre and the panpipes. He stole about fifty animals to his brother and took advantage of it to invent rackets, so that we cannot recognize his imprints. He cooked two of them, dedicated thrm to the eleven gods without touching the meat. He went after to see his mother, announcing to her that he wanted to be a thief. While Apollo discovered who was the thief, Hermes defended himself by telling he was a newborn child and suggested swearing him on the head of Zeus. Apollo is not however stupid and want to seize Hermes when this one stops him by a sneeze. Finally, Apollo askeds to carry the affair in front of Zeus, to whom Hermes still cries out his innocence, amusing his father by his precocity. He will have to reveal the place where is hidden the herd. Afterward, Hermes charmed Apollo with his lyre and made present of this one to the god of arts, who offered him in exchange a golden baguette. Later, Hermes will cross on his road two snake fighting. Wanting to separate them, he struck them his baguette and both snakes wounded all around, creating the caduceus.

Last edited by Annabeth P. Chase on Thu 6 Jun - 21:09; edited 2 times in total
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Annabeth P. Chase
Annabeth P. Chase

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The Olympians Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Olympians   The Olympians EmptyMon 20 Feb - 17:06

« That just leaves me the time to compose an ode to celebrate our victory. »
featuring Chace Crawford●●God
The Olympians Chace5
» Millenniums
» God of the light, the harmony and the oracle, the Medicine and the purification, the arts and the sciences, the eternal youth
» Not lucky in love
» Single

The Olympians Donkg3
Apollo is the twin brother of Artemis. They are both the children of Zeus and Leto. Shortly after the birth of the twins, Zeus offered a tank to Apollo by telling him to go to Delphi, what he will make only having spent one year at the hyperborean's. During the Trojan War, Apollo sides with the Trojans, sometimes occurring - although rarely - during the fights.

Last edited by Annabeth P. Chase on Thu 6 Jun - 21:59; edited 5 times in total
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Annabeth P. Chase
Annabeth P. Chase

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The Olympians Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Olympians   The Olympians EmptyMon 20 Feb - 17:11

« You'll excuse me if I don't like heroes. They are selfish and thankless. »
featuring Jude Law●●God
The Olympians Jude_law_avatar_picture_98390
» Millenniums
» God of the the vineyard, the wine and its excesses, the theater and the tragedy
» Exiled to Camp Half-Blood and forbidden of alcohol
» Married to Ariane

The Olympians 2821jude_law_barba_doll
Dionysus is the only god who was born as a half-blood. He is indeed the son of Zeus and Semele, the daughter of the king of Thebes. Hera, jealous, urges Semele to ask Zeus to see him in her real shape. Zeus refuses first of all but as she insists he eventually reaches her request. As she cannot bear this view, she dies. Zeus brings out the embryo of the stomach of his mother and sews him in the thigh till the end of the gestation. Hera asks then to the Titans to get ride of Dionysus. This one is cut in pieces but Rhea resticks him, making him immortal. He travelled a lot and had a very animated childhood. When he arrived on Olympus, he demanded a throne. To put a stop to the quarrel, Hestia giave up her seat to him. When Theseus abandoned Ariane, Dionysus consoled her and fell in love with her. He made later his immortal wife.

Last edited by Annabeth P. Chase on Thu 6 Jun - 22:01; edited 5 times in total
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Annabeth P. Chase
Annabeth P. Chase

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The Olympians Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Olympians   The Olympians EmptyMon 20 Feb - 17:17

«I am the goddess of the family. My family has been divided for way too long. »
featuring Angelina Jolie●●Goddess
The Olympians Coiffure-angelina-jolie-small
» Millenniums
» Goddess of marriage and fecondity; Queen of the sky and Olympus
» N'a pas d'enfant demi-dieu
» Married to Zeus

The Olympians Angelina8
Hera is the third daughter of Cronos and Rhea. Just after her birth, she was swallowed by his father and grew in the stomach, being immortal. She went out of it onlymany years later, when Zeus released them, her with their brothers and sisters. She got married afterward to Zeus, with whom she had 3 children: Ares, Hebeus and Ilithie. Nevertheless, Zeus was not really what we could call a faithful husband. So, she hated all the demigods, particularly those of her husband. To show her husband that she didn't need him to make children, she conceived Hephaestus. But, seeing his ugliness which went not at all into her criteria of the family, she pushed him down of Olympus and made run the noise that it was Zeus who had made it. She persecuted all the mistresses that was able to have Zeus, as well as their children. The child whom she took most in flu was Hercule. Being the goddess of the marriage, she had no lovers. It does not prevent her from being desired by certain persons, such Ixion, but she made him couple himself with a cloud by persuading him that it was her. She took up a plot with her sons against her husband, to prevent him from flirting with mortals but it failed and she was inescapable to submit herself. During the Trojan War, she was the wildest enemy of the Trojans because she was very offended that Paris did not choose her as the most beautiful between Aphrodite, Athena and her. When the big oath was lent, she was happy although Thalia's birth did not really made her happy). The birth of Jason was the drop which made extend beyond the vase, however he became afterward her hero. Nevertheless, she is more kind than before to the demigods, she even helps them sometimes.

Last edited by Annabeth P. Chase on Thu 6 Jun - 20:28; edited 2 times in total
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Annabeth P. Chase
Annabeth P. Chase

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The Olympians Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Olympians   The Olympians EmptyMon 20 Feb - 17:24

« You could have married the god of lawyers or the one of doctors but you not!»
featuring Keira Knightley●●Goddess [/size]
The Olympians 592154_sans-titre
[size=9]» Millenniums
» Goddess of the agriculture and the harvests; Creator of the cycle of the seasons
» Single

The Olympians Avatar-Fuschia-2-final
Demeter is the second daughter of the Titans Cronos and Rhea and was, as Hestia had been before her and as Hera, Hades and Poseidon will be later, swallowed by their father as soon as she was born. When she was spat out, she became the goddess of the agriculture and the harvests. She had with Zeus a daughter, Persephone. Hera was very mad after this event but Demeter was soon forgiven, Hera being the goddess of the family, she could not stay in cold with her sister. Demeter raised her daughter, of a great beauty, in Sicily, in complete safety. Nevertheless, one day when Demeter picked flowers, Persephone, who wanted to pick one narcissus, was kidnapped by Hades. To find her, Demeter, leaving the harvests of the mortal, had changed in an old woman, Doso, and looked for her daughter during nine days. The harvests of the human beings, during this lapse of time, were disapearring, and the famine threatened. Zeus, realizing it, asked Hermes to go to Hell to demand Persephone so that she could return with her mother. But it was too late. Persephone had to eat six pips of the grenade of Hell and could not leave anymore this place. Demeter began to feel depressed and, with her, the harvests declined even more. Zeus made an arrangement with Hades to let Persephone go out six months in the year, so that she could be with her mother. So was made. Six months when Persephone was with her mother, the harvests were plentiful and rich, it was the summer. Six other months, Persephone was beside her husband, Demeter withdrew and the harvests were not anymore, it was the winter. Demeter taught the agriculture to Triptoleme, the son of king Celeos, who taught this art to the human beings. The goddess of the harvests adores speaking about the agriculture and the cereal and recommends to everybody to eat it and to make works for the farm.

Last edited by Annabeth P. Chase on Thu 6 Jun - 20:08; edited 1 time in total
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Annabeth P. Chase
Annabeth P. Chase

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The Olympians Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Olympians   The Olympians EmptyMon 20 Feb - 17:30

« To be perfect, you have to be yourself, not be who you never were. »
featuring Sienna Miller●● Déesse
The Olympians 1756_100x100
» Millenniums
» Goddess of the seeding, love, the pleasures, the grace and the beauty; Queen of doves
» Married to Hephaestus but cheats on him openly with Ares

The Olympians Sans_t35
Aphrodite is the eldest sister of the gods. She was born when Cronos cut Ouranos in pieces. Testicles of this one escaped from some sperm which sank into the sea. Aphrodite was born from the soam. She went to Cyprus, pushed by winds. Aphrodite had numerous love affairs behind the back of her husband, Hephaestus. The one that we retain most is certainly the one with Ares. She was found booby-trapped with him further to a guile of Hephaestus to take revenge of this adultery. She was imprisoned into nets and all the gods laughed at both lovers. The legend the most known on Aphrodite is the one which started the Trojan War. Eris sent an apple intended for the most beautiful. Zeus, not wanting to decide, asked Paris to choose between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. Each tried to bribe him. Aphrodite proposed him the most beautiful woman. Paris chose her and asked in exchange Helen, what Aphrodite granted him.

Last edited by Annabeth P. Chase on Thu 6 Jun - 19:47; edited 1 time in total
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Annabeth P. Chase
Annabeth P. Chase

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The Olympians Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Olympians   The Olympians EmptyWed 22 Feb - 9:37

« Wise advices are not always nice to hear. »
featuring Diane Kruger●●Goddess
The Olympians 3830
» Millenniums
» Goddess of wisdom and battle strategy‎
» Virgin but can have children by thought‎
» Single

The Olympians 111121023626678054
Athena is the daughter of Zeus and Methis. One day, Ouranos, the sky, warned Zeus that a son arisen from Methis would dethrone him. When he learnt that this was pregnant of him, he swallowed her immediately. Several months later, he felt a violent pain in the head. As Hephaestus was near him, the smith split him the head with a blow from an ax. From the head of Zeus, holding lance and shield, shouting a war cry. She joined very fast the Olympian gods and has even an important place. Athena and Poseidon quarrelled the city of Athens. Poseidon created a source of salt water and Athena the olive tree. It was a goddess of the wisdom who was chose by the inhabitants. During the Trojan War, she tried to bribe Paris by offering him the victory warrior. This one didn't choose her, so she was on the side of the Greeks.

Last edited by Annabeth P. Chase on Thu 6 Jun - 18:49; edited 2 times in total
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Annabeth P. Chase
Annabeth P. Chase

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The Olympians Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Olympians   The Olympians EmptyWed 22 Feb - 9:43

« You don't talk to them, you don't talk to them and you don't flirt with them. »
featuring Georgie Henley●● Déesse
The Olympians Tumblr_lz11viBDED1qgnbhu
» Millenniums
» Goddess of the hunting and the moon, the chastity and the wild world
» Twin sister of Apollo; Virgin goddess‎
» Single

The Olympians Unled13b
Artemis is the twin sister of Apollo although these two are not alike. They are both the children of Zeus and Leto. Their birth was difficult because Leto received a curse of Hera declaring that she couldn't give birth on an earth illuminated by the sun. Leto eventually went on the island of Delos. There, all the goddesses attend her delivery. However, Hera, jealous, did not prevent Ilithie, the goddess of the delivery, the event to come. Leto remained nine hours in the daytime before we sent Iris to look for Ilithie. Artemis went then on the island of the Hyperboreans, of which she makes her main home and she governs the wild nature and her inhabitants. She is a guide of the children and live with them until the grown-up life. She is armed, like her brother, with a bow with arrows, what makes of them the twins archers. Artemis asked her father to remain virgin forever, her mother having disgusted of the marriage and she punishes all the men who try to seduce her. She is accompanied with a group of huntresses which are devoted to her body and soul.

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