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 The rules of the forum

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Annabeth P. Chase
Annabeth P. Chase

Posts : 59
Join date : 2011-10-30
Age : 27
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The rules of the forum Empty
PostSubject: The rules of the forum   The rules of the forum EmptyMon 31 Oct - 16:20

The Rules

    Before registering, you must have read the rules and then respect them throughout the existence of this forum.

    I. First of all:

    First of all, read and sign the rules. You will then have to make your presentation before being able to play. As soon as your form will be validated, you can begin to play.

    You have to make your validation under 15 days, otherwise your account will be deleted.

    II. You & your character:

    Know that during your registration, your character has to have a First Name and a Last Name with a capital letter. You can naturally have two first names or two last names but no more and with authorization of the STAFF for both last names.

    Your pen name mustn't be the name of a star like Zac Efron, etc...

    The person on your avatar has to be be free and then, it has to be of the size 200*320 necessarily. Your signature mustn't be too big to not deform the forum.

    You must know that the vacancies are at your disposal. However, if they do not please you, you can invent a character.

    You can create maximum three accounts. However, a rule is imperative to create it. To make your second character, you must have enclosed at least two subjects. And, to make the third one, you must have ended one with your first account and three with your SA (Second Account).

    About the changes of character, you can make of course a revision by asking for the authorization to one of the administrators. It will be the same for the changes of avatar. However, do not take it as a game and ask us all the time to make a revision, either a change of avatar.

    III. The Role-Play:

    By registering , you have to have a spelling which is rather good, allowing to find no more than 10 faults by line. Know that a text with few faults is good for all the members than a text full of faults. About that, if you are not sure of your spelling, write first in a file Works or a Word file which will correct you the largest part of your faults.

    Do not have too many open subjects and without answer. It is better to have 2 or 3 ones and they end all or the largest part of them.

    We ask to the members to make 12 lines minimum by comment. It is not a lot when we know that forums ask for around thirty. Avoid if possible the OS(OffSide). It is to use in rare cases.

    The subjects "hot" are to be specified in the name of the topic. There is not only you on the forum, think of those who are younger than you and to the persons who do not want to fall on a text too hot. Do not go to the pornography in this type of subject. It is no use if there is more sensitive than us.

    If you want to make subjects which are private or which the subject in question is reserved for some people, please indicate it in the title of the subject by "PV: name of the character(s)".

    No insults, racist or degrading comments to everyone or a member s) of the forum or guest(s) under punishment to be immediately banished.

    I wanna remind you that at the end of three warnings, you are banished during a week from the forum. Then, if there is a second offense, you will be completely banished from it, without possibility of returning there of course.

    The conflicts between members must be settled by private message or other and not on the forum.

    However, if one member lack respect to you, thank you for preventing us directly by PM.

    IV. The links between your characters:

    A part of the forum is reserved for it. But know that some rules are present for this. First of all, avoid having too much exs, too many brothers and sisters of hearts. Indeed, your adolescent character cannot have so much young friends that had a grown-up character. The code of the rules is "See No More".

    V. The OffSide part:

    The OffSide part has no rules except for advertisements and partnership which must be limited in 100 messages to make an advertising and 200 minimum messages for partnerships before being able to post there. Finally, every person advertising by PM or on subjects of the forum will see these messages erased and their account will be deleted. So the disloyal publicity to this forum is punished.

    If you come to be absent, thank you for indicate it in the part intended for the absences.

    So, once registered, please accept these rules as soon as you've read it and put the password in your form in the indicated place.

Good game!

We shall be for your service for any questions. Come from time to time to verify that the rules do not have modifications.
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