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 Annabeth Pallas Chase | U.C

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Annabeth P. Chase
Annabeth P. Chase

Posts : 59
Join date : 2011-10-30
Age : 27
Location : I honestly don't know...I'd say nowhere...

Annabeth Pallas Chase | U.C Empty
PostSubject: Annabeth Pallas Chase | U.C   Annabeth Pallas Chase | U.C EmptyTue 11 Jun - 9:27

Annabeth Pallas Chase

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Who are you ?

★ First name(s); Annabeth Pallas
★ Last name(s); Chase
★ Age; 16 years old
★ Birth date, where you were born; 1st April 1997, Olympus
★ Origins; Greek and Italian
★ Nationality; American
★ Status (dating ..., single, married, etc); dating Perseus 'Percy' Jackson
★ Group (divinities, Greek demigods, Roman demigods, hunters, mythological creatures, humans and wandering demigods); Greek demigods
★ Name of the celebrity you chose for your character; Brittany Robertson




Grey stormy eyes and curly blond hair, Annabeth is most of the time compared and confounded with her mother Athena, Greek or Roman form, this is the same. The teenage girl is the one who looks the most like her mom in all Athena's children. Nobody has ever known the reason why. We could easily think Athena had Annabeth herself and found her a family after this. Maybe this is true, who knows? Annabeth liked make-up once but, she was tired of always putting it off the night so she stopped doing it. Now, she thinks it is just another way to be beautiful for girls who don't accept the face they were born with, not at all like her. About the clothes, she's very simple, mostly wearing boys' clothes or girls' clothes that look like the boys wear. If you ever show her a skirt or a dress, be sure to be prepared to have a new face. When she was a little girl, she would scream but now, she just punches the person in the face before glaring at her and leave. Oh, have I told you about her glare? One glare from her and you're scared all your life of her, or you just do everything to not make her mad. Look at Percy, he has stopped...well not really but Annabeth is nicer with him since he's her boyfriend and she has always loved him. 

What about her personality? Let's first say she's very talkative either when she talks about architecture or about her plans. This is why Percy has always earplugs on him. You know, just in case he wanna sleep. Due to her power of outstanding intelligent, it is natural to say Annabeth is intelligent, well way more than everybody. So, she can easily get angry when you ask her a simple question like the dates of birth and death of Alexander the Great or the story of the construction of the Tower of London, etc...Mischievous, it is with this Annabeth made Percy fall in love with her in the first place. Well, when all the girls you ever knew are brutal and all, you immediatly fall in love with the first one who was mischievous...she's also beautiful, intelligent, funny...and she always has plans for everything. Her curiosity goes with her intelligence because, if she wasn't so curious, she wouldn't have solved so many problems and discovered so many things at sixteen years old. Like every other Athena's kids, Annabeth is prideful but she knows it very well and tries to control her thoughts when they tell her she can do everything better than the others, even better than the gods. But, she's also authoritarian...it can be good and bad at the same time because we have to be like this to be a good counselor like herself, or even a good chief.


Annabeth was born the first of April 1997. Normally it was a day of enjoyment but for a certain goddess of wisdom and battle strategy, it was quite different. The young woman had locked herself into her house on Olympus since the beginning of the day and we could hear her roarings of pain of all sides. She understood at the moment the pain of her father when he had given birth to her in a way. She did not moreover understand why this delivery hurt more. All the others had very well passed but there... Aphrodite looked at her niece and sighed. This was getting on her nerves. It was almost nine o'clock in the evening and she was starving. But of course Athena had forbidden her to leave the room until the child was born.

'You could have eaten a bit. Like that I would have eaten and...'


Then, in a last roaring of pain, a baby wrapped up in pink diapers appeared in the arms of Athena. But, this one tore its diapers as soon as its eyes settled above. Aphrodite laughed.

'I think there was a mistake my dear. Your son is in pink diapers.'

Athena looked at the sex of the child and frowned by realizing that it was really a girl. Then, she put her grey eyes thunderstorm in those of the infant and stayed in admiration.

'Aphrodite...this is a girl...I'm gonna call her Annabeth Pallas Chase...I already know she will be my favorite child...'

Normally, the goddess should have given the baby to her father, Frederick Chase but it was not the case. Until the girl knew how to speak perfectly and walk, Athena kept her daughter with her in secret, refusing to be separated from this miracle of the nature as she so much liked calling her. Then, while the goddess celebrated the second birthday of her daughter, instead of being at a meeting of the gods, Zeus opened in a crash the front door and glared at his daughter before embracing violently the girl under her roarings and her tears whereas Athena begged him to give her back to her.  

This is the way Frederick Chase was woken up. He opened up the door of his house before someone almost threw at him the girl in tears in his arms. He looked at her with disgust and shouted the first name of his wife who came in the second. She glared simply at the girl before taking her to her room which had waited for her for already two years.  


Five years had passed since that night. Five years of kicks which Annabeth accepted without stumbling every time monsters attacked them because of her, which was every day, but also because she was simply herself. The girl revealed rather fast her power of outstanding intelligence and spent her days in the family library to read books of architecture in English, but also other sorts of books. She made all that she could to understand and she arrived there at the end of several days of hard work because besides being a real electric cell, permitting her to take all the kicks of her father and her stepmother, Annabeth was dyslexic. But she knew thanks to her mother that it was because her brain was programmed for Ancient Greek. Then why did she understand perfectly Latin? Certainly because she was more intelligent than everybody. 


It was the day of her seven years, April Fool's Day 2004, that Annabeth attached a butcher's knife to her belt and left in in the afternoon. After long hours of walking spent to destroy monsters all so horrible as the others, the girl took refuge in an old factory. She put herself in a corner and fell asleep rather quickly. But she was woken up by shouts.

'B...be caref...ul! I have a knif...I have a knife! I am not afraid of y...you naughty monsters!!'

Two teenagers appeared in the shadow: a blond with azure eyes and a brunette with electric blue eyes. Annabeth moved back a little more against the wall before the boy teenager spoke.

'My name is Luke Castellan and this is my friend Thalia Grace...we are demigods like you.

'A...Annabeth Pallas Chase...'

Then, she ran in their arms crying and told them everything that had arrived to her since her birth, well what she remembered. Luke put his celestial bronze dagger in her hands.

'I give you this dagger. It will protect you more than this butcher's knife.'

'It....will it give me a family?'

Thalia giggled et Luke smiled.

'Thalia and I are your new family. I swear on this dagger and on the Styx that I will never break my word.'

A flash of lightning passed in a lightning speed through the starry night, sealing his promise whereas the little girl made small jumps of joy, totally unconscious of the importance of the promise Luke just made. 


Three weeks later, with the help of the satyr Grover found on the way, they arrived at the top of the hill, in front of Camp Half-Blood.

'Go on! I will kill them!'

Luke listened to Thalia and obeyed her after having killed some of the numerous monsters that were there. Then, they returned inside camp with Grover.


Annabeth struggled in the arms of Grover and Luke. She cried while shaking violently and she didn't want to leave Thalia. Then, under a powerful blow coming from a monster, she fainted by seeing in last image Thalia being transformed into a pine. 


We were now the day of her ten years old and Annabeth was doing her work of chief counselor of the Athena cabin by the lake, in the sunshine. This is when the voic of Malcolm took out her of her thoughts.

'Sistah! Chiron wants to see you!'

She frowned and got up keeping against her her affairs then went towards the Big House. When she entered it, she saw Chiron waiting for her patiently.

'You wanted to see me?'

'Yes I did...you are the best strategist and warrior at camp with Clarisse and I wanted to show you something...'

The centaur leaded her to the attic and showed her the prediction which she noted on a free white sheet.

'I already have an idea but I will wait for the next events.'

Chiron smiled down to his protégée.

'Do you miss living with your mother?'

He felt her stiffening.

'Goodbye Chiron.'


Two years later, Annabeth was looking at this Percy Jackson with Grover by her sides.

'This has to be him.'

'Or this is nobody. Maybe Chiron told you that in hope you would stop talking to him about quests...'

Percy opened an eye then his look plunged with fascination into the one of Annabeth who, blushing, simply made him drink his ambrosia before leaving very quickly. Percy half smiled but Grover cut him before he spoke.

'Don't even think about it Percy.'

'Yes, yes...'

Two days later, he left the infirmary and smiled when Annabeth eyed his horn of minotaur.


A victorious grin appeared on his lips as he asked 'yes?'. The young girl teenager half smiled while looking at him in the eyes.

'You drool in your sleep.'


She waved at him while leaving and keeping her back turned to him; Percy knew that he had to have this girl.


So many things had happened and so many years had passed since this moment. Annabeth sighed by looking through the window of her cabin in the Argo II.

'Finally, I got you my beautiful...'

A poke in the stomach by his girlfriend made Percy understand that it was not the good thing to say.

'But I am madly in love with you!'

Annabeth winked at him.

'I love you too Seaweed Brain.'

The door of his cabin locked and Hedge having a nap, we can imagine what happened between the two lovebirds.


'Where...Percy?! PERSEUS JACKSON!!!'

The teenager scrutinized the landscape around her. Sand...pyramids...shit, she was in Egypt. She grumbled and looked quickly on Daedalus laptop something to reach fast Italy. Then, she put it in her backpack and left, direction her fate.  


Hi everybody! My name is Marie-Angélique (nope, im not an angel, nor perfect. u.u) but you can call me Marie! My nickname is 'Gâteau de riz' for the moment, it is 'Rice pie' in English! Razz I can come...whenever I want to each week! *-* HAHAHA!!! Er...Let's say everyday for now but after, I can have other things to do because YES your administrators have a life. I know, pretty shocking. I've known this forum because...I am its creator! MOUAHAHAHA!!!!!!  Twisted Evil The code is...Validated by Annabeth Pallas Chase. Wink

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